How do leading companies win by changing the game?
Established businesses like Amazon, Starbucks, and Tesla as well as emerging players like Halo Top and Seedlip have a secret system for winning. These and other “Transcender” companies do NOT play the traditional brand game that every other company plays; they create their own game and force competitors to play by their rules.
Brands Don’t Win reveals the proven, practical three-step Transcender System that leading companies use to transcend their rivals and own their markets. Learn step-by-step how to use and apply the Transcender System, considered by top executives to be the world’s most powerful winning system for companies and their products.

What readers are saying
“As an experienced, global business executive, I have participated in several of Dr. Bernard’s Transcender Workshop and Seminars. Brands Don’t Win is a must-read for business professionals who want to win in today’s intensely competitive world.”
— Verena Voelter, Global Business Executive and Author of the book It Takes Five to Tango

“Brands Don’t Win is a user’s manual to building your winning go-to-market strategy. It provides real-world examples that demonstrate a totally new way of competing.”
— Tom Reynolds, Senior Director of Strategy, Johnson & Johnson
“In his book, Dr. Bernard shines a light on how to win by applying the strategic thinking that has made him a world-renowned consultant. The insightful examples show how these methods can be used to create the result we all seek: winning in business.”
— Richard Brooks, Managing Principal at RNB Wealth Management and Author of the bestselling book Counter-Investing

“If you are only going to read one business book this year, this is it.”
— David A. Vise, Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter and author of the bestseller The Google Story
Book Reviews

“Maybe you’ve been playing by the rules. Stan Bernard would suggest you stop. As he explains in Brands Don’t Win, it’s the companies that switch up the game that stand out. Think Starbucks and Peloton, for instance. They resist falling into the same-old, same-old pattern of thinking. Resultantly, they disrupt entire industries. Throughout Brands Don’t Win, Bernard will take you through what he calls his Transcender System™ so you can finally ditch tradition in favor of reinvention. If you’re not satisfied by going with the flow, this book will ignite your desire to do more, become unique, and make a successful splash.”



Literary Titan Book Review

Find out what are your company’s Transcender strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities by taking the Brands Don’t Win Transcender
10-Question Quiz today!

Stan Bernard, MD, MBA is an internationally-recognized, award-winning global competition consultant, keynote speaker, and published author. He is the President of Bernard Associates, LLC and the creator of The Transcender System™. A former Senior Fellow at The Wharton School of Business, Dr. Bernard has been a consultant to leading businesses around the world for nearly four decades, working with more than 150 companies across six continents.
Over 15,000 professionals have participated in his firm’s competitive simulations (“business war games”), Transcender System training workshops, Transcender System seminars, and speaking engagements.
Interested in booking Stan for speaking engagements? Reach out here.